So like I said in my other post - went in on Friday at 7pm for the induction. They started off by inserting this string thingy to ripen my cervix. I had that in for 12 hours. It didn't really do much for me and the baby was still so high in my pelvis that the nurse couldn't reach the head. She had to get a nurse with slightly longer fingers and even she struggled. At 9am on Saturday I received half a dose of Cervadil that was supposed to help me dialate. Before this I was dialated to less than 1cm. Fast forward through all of the PAINFUL contractions and pain meds that weren't helping, we get to about 6:30pm - I'm now at 8-9cm which I have been stuck at for a couple of hours. The doctor came in (he had already broken my bag too, and the baby had dropped) he checked me and proceeded to tell me that my pelvic bones were too narrow and her head was angled. The baby was not going to come out but I could wait it out a little longer to see if she would move OR have a C-section. Of course, having been through so much pain on Friday and all day Saturday, I figured, I've had enough. I went ahead an ok'd the C-section. At 7:34pm I gave birth to little Miriam. She weighed in at 9 lbs. and 21" long. We both just got discharged yesterday b/c she had jaundice and I've been in an incredible amount of pain. Recovery is slow but progressing . It's nice to finally be back home. Thank you all for the well wishes. Here are some pictures for you all.
She is ADORABLE!!! I just love brunette babies with lots of hair!!! I have a friend who can sympathize with your difficult delivery. Her baby weighed 11lbs 4oz and she had him with no c-section. If she had it to do over I think she would have had one.
-- Edited by bloomie at 16:01, 2008-04-02
Some people collect stamps and coins--I collect shoes.
So beautiful! She has perfect bow hair And yowza, 9lbs! If you all would of let her stay in there longer can you even imagine how big she'd be then! Take it easy and enjoy motherhood!
I'm sorry to hear your delivery went so painfully! But I'm glad that you and her are okay. I've been wondering where you were at- and where the pictures where at!
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling