So I am looking for some cute notebooks for school next semester - NOT journals, but spiral bound notebooks- or maybe bound like composition books - anyway, I saw some super cute ones at urban this fall and now i'm kicking myself for not buying them -
anyway, i'm looking for cute prints or pretty colors and around $5 - $7 each. i looked a kate's paperie and didn't see anything - suggestions?
i like the maison georgette poppy notebooks (available at
"to be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its night and day to make you everybody else, means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight, and never stop trying." - ee cummings
They have these at Anthropologie right now on sale for $5.95 (they are normally $12) - I have two of them- they are so cute! One half is lined and then you flip it over and the other half is plain.
oooh girls, smash and lynnie, i am LOVING these notebooks. I think I'll have to get both. LSU girl - the ones at urban looked sortof like vintage wallpaper - a few of them did - but it was printed on the paper cover - they didn't actually have fabric - I wish I remembered them better - I'm sorry!
Thanks for your suggestions girls - I think I will get these and also LSU girl if you find anything else cool I will probably get that too! I am a sucker for paper products
aww, i love that notebook. They went on sale this week though (that's why I bought another one), so make sure you get to an Anthropologie soon (they don't have them online.)
how about old school hello kitty, carebears, etc? not sure if that's your thing or not but i use a hello kitty folder and it always makes me smile when I take it out of my book bag.
I'm not sure if you're looking for an online resource or more bricks and mortar but I have most luck finding these types of notebooks in bookstores (barnes and noble, and more local ones) and in gift boutiques in my area (like but in a store).
if you want you can always do a store request at Anthro and they will find it for you and then ship it to you free of charge- they told me they were stopping that at the end of this week though til the holidays are over so you would have to do it soon. Or just call the stores yourself (say that they didn't have them in your store so they don't charge shipping- sometimes they don't.) normally i would say to just find a diff. notebook, but i LOVE these.