I'm staying at my parents' house for until my wedding next week. I'm getting married in a week and have a zillion things left to do... yipee! But right now, that's besides the point.
My brother is also here and he's being beyond terrible. A little background... he went to college and got his degree. Everyone told him he should be a model so he did that for one summer in Milan but then my parents made him come back to finish school. After school he went to NYC to model, but that lasted 1 month. He claimed he hated the city but I think he realized its a lot harder to get jobs there than he thought and couldn't deal with the rejection. So after that, he moved back to the large city where he went to college. He lived there for literally a year while he did NOTHING. My parents paid his rent and he told him he was applying for grad school and looking for a job. He did work on a tv show as a body double for about a month, then came the writer's strike and that was over. He hung out with his friends, went out, worked out and thats about it. My parent's put him on a strict budget but he was still living a priviliged lifestyle. And as I write this, I can totally hear Dr. Phil's voice in my head. I realize what my parents do with their money should not concern me and that they choose to coddle him and should deal with the consequences... not me. I get that so please don't point that out because I know this isn't really affecting me.
Well after a year of doing nothing but hanging out, my parents decide he has to come back and live with them because they're sick of rewarding him for doing nothing (he'll be 24 next week and has been at home for 2 weeks now). He's supposed to be applying for grad school or looking for a job but he's not. He seriously sleeps late, wakes up and takes a ton of stimulants (like caffine and ephedra), works out and smokes pot. He smokes a lot of pot. And this is just weird to me because NO ONE in my family or any of my friends do that kind of thing. Plus, it makes me sick how disrespectful it is to my parents. Yeah, he's an adult and its his body... but he is living in my parents home and their supporting him so he should at least follow their rules. He's become such a burnout that he has no motivation to do anything. My parents have noticed this and I just got wind of this today. Its really bad because he's apparently high all the time.
And to make matters worse, he is just a mean, nasty person to be around. He has had rage/anger issues in the past and its really bad now. Because of the modeling thing, he is OBSESSED with working out, watching what he eats and appearances. Its so bad that you don't want to eat anything around him because he'll make a comment about how you don't need the refined sugar. He also is convinced he knows more than my dad about health because he reads Mens Health, even though my dad is freaking MD. If he feels the slightest bit threatened or insecure, he starts personally attacking everyone. He picks fights constantly and thinks he is the expert on all things. And honestly, he's not really smart but he parrots what other people say... he's the cliched pseudo intellectual. He is always voicing his opinion on something inappropriate like religion, politics, or something he thinks sounds smart and contraversial. For example, he is an atheist. Fine, I respect he has his own views on religion but why must boast on and on about it. Today my grandmother came over and out of nowhere he decides to tell her that Christianity is a belief system for the weak and studies have shown prayers are useless. Now why on earth does he have to pick on my 76 year old grandmother who takes great solace in her practice of religion? She said NOTHING to rile him up but he feels the need to say offensive things to her. So I just told him to shut up. Well, this made him mad because he feels his opinion is the truth and he has the right to tell everyone the way things are. So then he starts insulting me and telling me how fat and ugly I am... this is attributed to his man-orexia and obsession with looks from the failed modeling attempt.
He is doing this in front of my grandmother and aunt, who were there because I had a bridal shower and we were all going to that. So I was mortified, but not really because he's done this type of thing before in front of other people. I'm telling you... he's a class act. And not just saying I'm fat and ugly, but getting so descriptive so it's really hurtful. Well, I don't let it bother me that much because I've lost quite a bit for the wedding and I know I look good, but still that kind of thing can hurt even the most confident person. I know this isn't the most mature thing to do, but because I'm pissed now, I tell him at least I'm not a worthless failure who has no job, no friends, and has to live at home. Seriously that's ALL I said. And this really pisses him off. So what does he do? He gives me a sinsiter look, says Oops and then throws his mug of hot tea on my white dress. In front of my mom, aunt, and grandmother. When we're supposed to be leaving for the freaking shower.
So I burst into tears. Then it got slightly physical in that I lunged at him and he put me in a head lock and my mom pulled him off me, then ran upstairs. Just writing that I'm sure we sound like some white trash Jerry Springer family.
So I'm balling. My mom is so upset she literally goes to the bathroom and throws up. My aunt and grandmother comfort us both, we pull it together and go to the shower and everything involving that was fine.
After the shower, my cousin kept me busy so I wouldn't have to think or deal with my brother. My fiance is so mad he wants to put me in a hotel so I won't have to deal with him and said he's planning on literally beating him to a pulp for doing that. I talked to mom and she said he's really depressed and insecure because my sisters and I are well doing well in life and he has nothing going on right now. He's also really jealous about the wedding because I'm the complete center of attention right now. Mom's been acting kinda funny since I got here and now I realize its because of him. He's so ungrateful and doing nothing but working out which really is pointless since he should be looking for a job or studying for the GRE or smoking pot, which obviously kills her. I think she thinks she's failed as a mother with him. And it sucks because she's always been really protective of him but she knows he's really a trainwreck but doesn't to desert him. It's a weird dynamic, trust me.
I don't know if anyone has any advice or sugestions. This just sucks. I know one of the main reasons my brother is like this is because my parents have always coddled him. They really have given us everything in the world and it makes me so mad he's so disrespectful and hurtful to them. He has a major entitlement complex and thinks he's too good for everything. He's such a time bomb that I can't be around him because he's always hurling insults or being a beligerent know it all. And throwing his tea on me... who knows what other wonderful, immature tactics I can expect. I know I shouldn't have lunged after him even though he started it, but I was in the heat of the moment. He really is a mental case. Seriously. My mom mentioned sending him to rehab maybe that would help. I'm so scared about him causing a scene at the wedding but he's said that now he won't even come... like my parents would allow that.
And it sucks because my parents probably should let him go and fend for himself but they would never do that. That's just not their way.
I don't know. I'm here just for a while so I can focus on the wedding... supposedly this is supposed to be a happy time but now I have to deal with this mess. He has no where to go and I'm stuck here. My parents honestly try to get him to be decent but he's such an ignorant, mouthy brat that it does no good. Plus their yelling at him isn't that effective. They made him promise to look for a job tomorrow but he's been saying that all this time.
This just sucks. I want him to go away so everyone can be civil and not have to walk on pins and needles. Sorry for the long vent. I probably sound crazy too after you read all of this.
Wow, that's awful. But it seems like you have a good head on your shoulders and you realize that his issues are about him, not you. And I think your mom is right--that he's insecure right now because you and your sister are successful and you're the center of attention.
I think your fiance's idea about staying at a hotel is great. Will it completely fix the problem? No. But it will help you get through the next week with less drama and stress.
Also, I feel like I should point it out, although I know you're not going to want to hear this--is it possible your brother is using steriods? Between working out, the manorexia, and the rage issues, it sounds like that might not be out of the realm of possibilities. I hope he's not, but I felt like I should bring that up.
Anyway, I'm really sorry all of that is going on right now. I can't imagine planning a wedding and dealing with the stress of that plus a rotten family situation. I hope it gets better for you.
Aw sweetie, I'm sorry to read all this...and sorrier that you have to deal with this when you should be focusing on all the joys of getting married. Lots of hugs!
I definitely think that best thing you could do right now is get out of there and stay at the hotel. For one thing, it will remove you from the situation, and remove the imminent stress from your life. For another, it will leave your parents with just him to concentrate on.
I do hope things get resolved...and I do think rehab is a good option...but he would have to earnestly want to change for it to do him any good.
I'm so sorry to hear that you are dealing with all this. Weddings are stressful enough. It definitely seems like you have the right perspective and understanding of what's going on. Staying in a hotel sounds like a good idea. Maybe a girlfriend or cousin or someone could stay with you so it doesn't seem like you are there all alone.
I agree with the hotel stay. At the very least, it will give you space and a good night's sleep. I also agree with the possible steroid issue.
I don't have any advice what to do about the situation except to drop your dealings with him as much as possible until after the wedding and honeymoon. He probably does need some sort of rehab/therapy, but if it's possible, put it out of your mind.
I will say though, that you totally aren't alone in dealing with this situation. One of my uncles has been completely supported by his parents (my grandparents) his entire life. He's 40+, but has never learned to take responsibility for anything. I would think that a significant number of families have one person who just for some reason never grows up.
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling
Oh, wow. I'm so sorry you have to deal with this at this time.
You're right, the best thing your parents could do for him is to cut him off - but I know parents that have a history of coddling are seldom able to do that. What they don't understand is that the coddling perpetuates this behavior (which you are already aware of.)
He does sound very insecure and entitled. Like a lot of people his age, they think they have it all figured out. There's a saying that goes something like, the 20's think they know it all, the 30's realize they don't know it all after all, and the 40's realize they'll never know it all. Anyway, the know it all attitude in combination with a weak ego and self esteem make up for a very self-destructive path. I have a feeling that he will have to learn through the school of hard knocks if he ever learns at all. I'm sure he'll go through job after job because of his defensive attitude. He may never straighten out and be dysfunctional for the rest of his life -- especially if your parents never let go.
Your idea of sending him to rehab sounds good, but it won't be effective unless he feels he has a problem and wants to fix it. From what you've said, it sounds like he thinks he doesn't have a problem, but everyone else does. He may even project his faults upon others, regardless of whether or not they're guilty of it.
My brother has the same feelings of entitlement and was physically violent -- I've been in your shoes. It is not with pride that I say I haven't spoken to my brother in almost 20 years. It hurts that I cannot be in touch with him, but I know if I was, he would feel he was entitled to receiving money from me because I'm family, and I would fear for my life if I didn't help support him -- this is why I don't want him to know where I am or how to contact me. I know if I let him in my life it will only bring fear and pain. In my case, my parents cut him off financially and he "disowned them" (in his words.) He has since been in touch with my mother and it ends the same - him demanding money and getting violent if it isn't given. It sounds like you're dealing with a similar situation of dysfunction, and believe me I know it must be hell for you and your family.
If I was in your shoes, I'd tell my mother that either he has to stay somewhere else, or you will be moving to a hotel. Let them feel empowered in the choice. I would also not allow him to attend the wedding regardless of your parents feelings. By allowing him to attend, your parents could be setting themselves up for a major display of embarrassment and heartache on what is supposed to be one of the happiest days of you and their lives. All they have to do is make up a story of why he can't be there - like he got an audition in LA or something. I don't understand what's in it for them by having him attend other than putting on a false facade that the family is happily together. I can just see your brother getting a few drinks in him then smoking a joint outside and taking the opportunity to do and say embarrassing things with a captive audience.
The best thing for your brother would be to get some counseling, but it sounds like he wouldn't go because he thinks there is nothing wrong with him. Until someone admits there's something wrong, they cannot get help...
And no, your family is not Jerry Springer family dysfunction is normal - the majority of families are dysfunctional to some degree. To what degree that dysfunction manifests varies, but people are kidding themselves if they think the majority of families are well adjusted and mentally stable. Some of us deal with our families' dysfunction privately and everyone thinks they're perfect, when in reality they're not. The Jerry Springers are those who allow their dysfunction to take center stage, pump up the drama, and make a big display of it - and I don't see your family doing that.
I know this must be incredibly painful to deal with right now, but don't allow him to take your happiness from you -- he's not entitled to that.
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
Thanks everyone so much. Seriously... it means a lot to have your support.
The whole steroid thing makes perfect sense. I don't know why I didn't think of it before. He really has the testorone rages and given all of the crazy supplements he takes there's a good chance they're 'roid rages. He seriously takes all these weird pills and drinks this weird tea (the one thrown on me) so I'm sure something is probaby some sort of steroid.
Also, I wasn't really going to post this... but why not share everything . The hotel idea is really ideal. BUT, to add to the stress of the wedding and brother... I have to have emergency surgery tomorrow. 10 days before the wedding. It's so embarrasing and nobody in real life other than my parents and fiance know because I don't want people fussing over me to talking about it at the wedding. It's an outpatient procedure that was certainly not planned then something bad happened and I need to address this pronto. Without going into the embarrasing details, I'm going to be okay because this isn't life threatening but it just sucks because I'll be recovering for a few days. But I should be feeling back to normal for the wedding. It's just always kinda scary to be put under full anthesia, you know.
So in regards to my brother, he has no idea... my parents will just say I have the flu or sick migraines. It's none of his business and since the procedure is embarrasing he does not need the ammunition to use against me. So I'm having it done tomorrow but will be holed up in my childhood room for the next following days as I recover. I don't really plan on leaving my room much so there shouldn't be much interaction. And thank goodness for Percocet because that makes anyone feel better
I don't really have any other advice then what others have said but I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am that you have to be dealing with this at any time in your life. Especially the week before your wedding when it's supposed to be the happiest time for you. Stay strong!
I'm thinking balls are to men what purses are to women. It's just a little bag, but we feel naked in public without it.
Carrie Bradshaw
WOW. I am so sorry you are dealing with his disrespectful and violent behavior, especially at a time when you should be excited and happy about your upcoming wedding. I agree with other's comments about staying somewhere where he is not. I have posted many times about my BILs rude (and violent) behavior when DH and our daughter moved into the house. I can understand how frustarating it can be to be treated horribly by family. DH had no choice but then to kick them out of the house and make them live on their own. They were living off DH and I and doing nothing to better themselves, even going as low as quitting their jobs and expecting DH to pay their cars. They are still somewhat resentful towards us, but everything worked out for the best. One of the brothers is in the Marines now and is stationed in San Diego and the other (the more violent one) has really struggled to live with roomates due to his attitude. Hopefully he is learning that he is the one with the problem and working on fixing the issues. I hope everything gets worked out for you two as well.
Oh my gosh, I am so sorry you are in this situation! I wish your parents would be more supportive of you. It definitely sounds like they have coddled him all of his life, at his expense, but also at your expense and they have exhausted themselves in the process. Obviously, they are exhausted if they can't even require that he quits smoking pot while under their roof, sheesh.
Don't feel guilty or trashy for fighting back physically with your brother. I don't know if I would have been able to "turn the other cheek" if the same happened to me. It's not pretty, it feels terribly uncivilized, but at least he knows you are savvy to his B.S.
I hope you can stay indifferent to him during this time, focus on your wedding and on getting the heck outta there.
"Go either very cheap or very expensive. It's the middle ground that is fashion nowhere." ~ Karl Lagerfeld
I don't have any good advice but I agree with pretty much everything that everyone said. It sucks to be going through this and with a surgery and a wedding? I don't know how you're managing. If it gets too bad, just leave. Bring your mom with you to the hotel or something if you need someone while you're getting better but don't stay in the house if it becomes too stressful.
Good luck with all your "stuff" and look at it this way - in 10 days you'll be the happiest person in the world!
First of all, you do not sound crazy at all. You can't be held responsible for what your brother does.
I think if your parents could get him into rehab that would be great, but as D said, unless he wants to change it probably won't help. I feel awful for your parents as they are probably blaming themselves when all they tried to do was give him a good life.
I have posted a ton about my BIL who is the same way. He is a 35 year old guy whose parents always bail him out of every stupid situation he gets himself into and the FIL would even go so far as solicit money from us and other family members to help him out. He also has the sense of entitlement and always thinks he superior to everyone. The best thing to do with these type of toxic people is to just keep your distance as much as possible.
Try your best not to let your brother's hurtful words get to you. He is not saying these things because he believes them to be true, he is saying them because he wants you to feel as awful as he does. He is just jealous that you have your life together.
Try to just stay in your room, but if it gets worse I agree with the others that said maybe you could get a room and have your mom stay with you. You have enough to deal with without having him stress you out further.
I hope you get well from your procedure quickly and best of luck with your wedding!
I have no advice, but I wanted to say that I think you're very strong. To be able to deal with this, your wedding week, and a surgery? Wow! You're a strong woman and I'm sure you'll get through this. It sucks that you even have to though! You don't sound crazy in the slightest. You brother obviously has a lot of issues.
Also, I don't know much about pot, but I do know that my younger brother smoked it throughout high school, and he was SO mean to people (mostly my Mom) in high school. I don't know if it was that plus changing horomones or whatever, but maybe smoking pot is also contributing to your brothers cruelness.
Know first, who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly. - Epictetus
I've avoided my brother like the plague today. I did overhear him talking to his loser, fellow burnout friends today about how I assaulted (WRONG... it was battery. But techincally I can claim self defense so not even that) him and he's thinking about pressing charges. Umm... great plan buddy. The 'rents will love that. Plus last time I checked I was an attorney and know a little more about his claims (or rather lack thereof) he has. Since he's all talk and know it will never happen, I think its funny.
And this is HILARIOUS. Tonight my dad asked what he did today in terms of finding a job or studying for the GRE (which he's supposed to take Monday). Instead of just lying and said he looked for a job or studied, he told my dad that after getting yelled at, he went to his room and developed an amazing idea for a book. He's got the plot laid out, character development, everything. It should be a great story and probably will be an even better screen play. Yeah... probably. I mean now that he can dedicate his time to writing this amazing book, why get a job. I'm sure everyone is sick of my drama but this was too good not to share.
I just wanted to say too that you are being amazingly strong and I am so sorry you are having to deal with this! Without going into too much detail, I'm in a somewhat similar situation with my own family and am getting married in a few months...although what I'm dealing with is not as bad as your situation and I feel terrible for you!
The only other idea I would offer is that your parents should give him a timeline of things he has to do. Like, he has 8 weeks to get a job and hold it down and then he's out of the house, or they gradually decrease the money they give him until he's self-supported.
Also, I agree that your brother should not be at your wedding. He sounds like he would be only too happy to cause a scene. Again, I am so sorry you are being met with this right before surgery and your wedding. You are so impressive!
I've avoided my brother like the plague today. I did overhear him talking to his loser, fellow burnout friends today about how I assaulted (WRONG... it was battery. But techincally I can claim self defense so not even that) him and he's thinking about pressing charges. Umm... great plan buddy. The 'rents will love that. Plus last time I checked I was an attorney and know a little more about his claims (or rather lack thereof) he has. Since he's all talk and know it will never happen, I think its funny.
And this is HILARIOUS. Tonight my dad asked what he did today in terms of finding a job or studying for the GRE (which he's supposed to take Monday). Instead of just lying and said he looked for a job or studied, he told my dad that after getting yelled at, he went to his room and developed an amazing idea for a book. He's got the plot laid out, character development, everything. It should be a great story and probably will be an even better screen play. Yeah... probably. I mean now that he can dedicate his time to writing this amazing book, why get a job. I'm sure everyone is sick of my drama but this was too good not to share.
-- Edited by sfclinevandy at 21:48, 2008-03-05
Since you seem to have a sense of humor about this let me just say, hahahahaha!!! If anyone should write a book or a screenplay it should be you - dealing with his crazy shenanigans. Your brother reminds me of an ex-bf who is only funny in retrospect. God what a loser that guy was (the ex, not your brother).
How pathetic would it be if he pressed charges against his sister for hitting him after he threw a glass of toxic, steroid-laced tea on her? If you manage your way through this mess, seriously you should be the one to write a book.
sfclinevandy, you are so not alone. geez leweez i feel like we should have some sort of deadbeat little brother club or something. i feel like we even posted about it once, was it bumblebee that started it? i don't remember. anyway, i have to go but i'll try to flesh this all out later. here are my thoughts in a nutshell:
this happens in the best of families. i feel like because our parents worked so hard and had such an amazing work ethic, they just assume their kids will too. so they give and give and give too much and then raise a boy who doesn't know how to be a man and who doesn't know how to just go work. life's not a bed of roses you know? i haven't seen this issue manifest itself with anybody more than little brothers.
having said all that, I do believe that sooner or later they finally grow up. it happens in one of two ways: 1) they fall for a girl who motivates them to stop being a loser or 2) the parents finally kick them out. With my brother, it was both. And now he's much much better, which basically means civil, polite and holding down a job but hey from the malicious little loser monster he used to be, it is a VAST improvement. Good luck and know that it will all work out. And congratulations on your wedding! I've been lurking the wedding forum lately and I saw a picture of your dress and it is absolutely gorgeous. You will make a beautiful, beautiful bride.
Wow. I have no advice to add to what the other girls said, but I'm sorry that you're dealing with all of this crap, especially right before your wedding.
And the whole book thing? I agree with blubirde. You should write the book. He won't be able to form coherent sentences if he keeps up with the pot smoking.