I'm feeling very whiny today about various little things. Anyone care to join in?
We're leaving on a trip on Wednesday and I have school all day tomorrow, which means all the prep has to be done today by me since Mr. is working. I have a bunch of homework that has to be done today too that I am procrastinating on. And I have to drop my furbabies off on tomorrow night at their respective babysitters . And I can't for the life of me think of a birthday present for the friend we're taking the trip to see. And the class I need to take next term is not offered at a time that works for me at all, and they don't change the schedule from term to term, so I'm going to have to be in class until 10 o'clock at night. Stupid freaking microbiology . And I don't have any jeans that fit right.
Your turn ...
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
Ugh,...I feel you on the college workload...I generally do very well on short term college courses but this semester I'm in over my head. I am on Ch 2 in an intensive Accounting course that I should be on Ch 5 on...I've missed all of the quizzes and have yet to turn in any homework. Yup...Its too fast for me and its 95% online. I missed the drop deadline because I really thought I could catch up and now my only choice may be to drop with a W on my transcript. In a last ditch effort, I'm headed to my councelors office after work today and try to convince her to let me transfer to a normal 16 week class without affecting my transcript since Im not technically dropping the class, just switching section numbers.
Other things that I'm whining about but not overpowering my brain as much as the above...
- My professor for another online class is a dope. My 1st two online quizzes did not register on the dam "online gradebook" and show up as a zero. She responded to me on Sunday telling me she opened it up again for me to take it by Midnight the same day. I didnt check my email until Monday when it was too late. She thinks she gave me a fair chance...whatever....so Im arguing back in forth with her. Its not fair that I did my work on TIME and that she's giving me the run around because of her faulty gradebook.
-My MIL is in town and staying with us and although she makes yummy food...it is really fattening or unhealthy and NOT helping me stay on track with my losing weight.
-DH slipped out that I missed his little 9 y.o. brother since MIL took him back 4 weeks ago and she's made the executive decision to leave him in our care again while she prances back to another country and lives child-free with her new husband.
I have a cold and can barely speak. I feel a lot better than I sound, but people are giving me death glares for bringing my disease to the office. Additionally, my boss is out and her phone has been ringing off the hook. Of course when I answer and people hear how bad I sound, they start asking questions, and I have to talk even more.
We're supposed to get 6-10" of snow tonight. We've had soooo much snow this year, and it's almost March. Can't we get a break?
I'm taking Statistics for the second time because i failed it the first time and I slept through class today. smart, right?
I've lost all the muscle I worked so hard for this summer in bootcamp and I'm friggin fat
I'm ultra sensitive and have no idea why
I dont know what I want to do with my life
Carrie Bradshaw: The fact is, sometimes it's really hard to walk in a single woman's shoes. That's why we need really special ones now and then to make the walk a little more fun.
I have been working out so hard and being very careful about what I eat for the past couple of weeks, and I've only lost 3 lbs. -- it's not very motivating, but I'm sticking to it.
I feel like I'm losing it. Visiting my mother (in in-home hospice) tested my strength - I held it together for 3 days then lost it sobbing in a restaurant. I had no idea how hard dealing with my mother's pending death would be. I cry at the drop of a hat and feel like I'm not all there mentally at times. I notice my writing is screwy at times - like odd punctuation or incorrect grammar - so please forgive my less than perfect posts. At least I'm working out really hard and that's probably helping me cope - I couldn't imagine my state if I wasn't exercising.
my mother has a lot of animosity toward my father, and he doesn't want to come to the funeral because she has bad mouthed him so much to anyone that will listen. not that my father's perfect (neither is my mother) but I feel badly for him that he cannot attend the funeral because he'd be uncomfortable.
I have been doing a lot of work behind the scenes on ST and it's overwhelming and complicated at times. I really want to get some kind of stitch up or something (we have kenzie's gift guide from December up there still) but I just plain cannot find it within myself to write anything.
a close girlfriend of mine pissed me off one too many times, and I'm contemplating dumping her, but that entails dumping a group of friends -- too complicated, but I am going to avoid her as much as possible.
writing all of this just depressed me more.
-- Edited by D at 16:56, 2008-02-25
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
Aww D - it sounds like you're going through a lot right now. I'm really sorry about your mom, and please don't apologize for anything you do or say on here - we're all here for you. And if you need any help trying to get the new board together, please let me know - I'd be happy to do anything to help you out.
My turn:
I just got back from beautiful, hot, sunny Cancun, and I had to come back to freezing cold, snowing crappy Chicago. Yuck.
I have HORRIBLE sunburn from Cancun. I don't even get what happened. I slathered myself in SPF 30 and I'm so sunburn that my ankles are swollen. I couldn't even go to work today.
My poor boyfriend is having horrible stomach issues and can barely eat. I feel so badly for him. I hope the doctor can figure out what's wrong w/him tomorrow.
I am so sick of being broke all the time.
We have to move apartments again. Our rent is way too high right now. The thought of apartment hunting, packing, and moving makes me want to vomit.
- I applied to grad school and the school I really, really, really have to get into said it would be 6 weeks until they told me. It has been 6 weeks and 4 days, still no answer. I have to wait until I hear from them before I can make any serious decisions in my life. :(
I have a $1,600 hospital bill to pay. My lovely insurance has a $2,000 deductible, so I get to dip into my savings to pay it. Yay!
I'm having a lot of brain/cognitive issues lately and my GP wants to refer me to a neurologist. But I am so scared to go. I already have four specialists I go to in addition to my GP, I'm already taking 17 pills a day and I already have enough health problems. I keep putting it off because I don't want to admit that there is still yet another thing wrong with me.
My high school boyfriend is creepy. He just moved back into town, so we've been hanging out because we were always really close even after we broke up, until about halfway through college when we drifted apart. But now I never want to hang out with him alone because he is always really weird and creepy when no one else is around, making comments about how I'm too hot for him now, etc. On Friday night he even tried to play footsie with me while people were over at my house and we were watching a movie. He failed to get the hint when I kept squirming as far away from him as possible. Uncomfortable! I just want to yell "I got over you when I was 15! get away from me!"
I feel like I'm stuck in my life. I don't know where I want to go or what I want to do, but I do know that I am unsatisfied right now. I have fantasies of just moving to Alaska and starting a whole new life from scratch.
My parents are getting closer and closer to building a house right next to mine. I knew it was going to happen when I moved in, but now they're almost ready to start (in just a week or two). I don't want to be that close to them!
And last but not least, my dog has decided that it is fun to pee on the carpet right at the bottom of the steps. I don't know what's going on - she's never had an accident in the house before the past couple weeks, and now she's done it multiple times. I don't want to have a pee-stinky house!
-- Edited by ttara123 at 18:48, 2008-02-25
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
I'm really sorry about your mom, D. I had no idea things had taken a turn for the worse. You guys will be in my thoughts.
My whining is very insignificant: I have heartburn. It hurts even to drink water. I'm 27, but I feel like I'm 80 when I have to keep downing the Rolaids.
I have the flu for the second time in two weeks. I feel like absolute crap! This time, I caught it from my family when I went to visit- I thought that I couldn't get it again but I guess they had a diffeent strain. Plus my mom totally lied and said that my brother had a "small fever but is probably fine" and then when I got there (an hour away) told me that it was really high and he'd been sick for a few days but she didn't want people not to come to my other brothers birthday party so she lied to everyone.
I got a promotion at work, and I feel slightly incompetent because I have no clue what I'm doing. or even what I'm supposed to be doing. Feeling sick on top of that isn't helping.
1) I hurt my back so bad from tennis and pilates over the weekend (I pushed myself farther than usual) that I couldn't sleep last night, had to skip work today because I couldn't sit up all day, and the muscle relaxers I'm on are making me super dizzy all the time.
2) I got a cold last night and it's getting worse. Combined with the back issues, I'm pretty miserable. I hope it's a cold. I'm getting fever now. I wish I had a thermometer.
3) I have an appeal due on Thursday and I only have 40% done. The last 60% is the writing and really shouldn't take that long but since I'm sick/hurting right now, I'm really struggling. No one can help me with it because it's all my case and they don't know enough to pick up the slack. Plus I can't ask for help because then they'd know how far behind I was. I know I can get it done but I really hope I'm not completely miserable (physically) for the rest of the week because the days will be hellish. Ugh.
4) I'm freezing but my feet are getting kind of clammy. That's gross, right?
Reading everyone else's is making me feel better, but here's my whining:
*I hate living in California sometimes because the housing costs are so high and I want a house
*I am frustrated with grad school, I feel like my degree which is required to make a measley $40k+ a year, and compete really hard to get a job was a dumb decision to follow through, but I chose it soooo its my bed.
*My SIL is pregnant and I'm getting baby fever, which is dangerous!
*I'm sick of being broke too! Especially when I see college students at my work driving beamers.
*i've been so tired lately. I don't know what it is but I'm exhausted by 8 pm almost every night. Yet I fight the sleep anyway, and continue drinking coffee even though I know it is just messing with me further.
*work has been stressful for 3 months now. i do not like what i'm currently doing (just this time of the year- usually it is better), though i love my coworkers, company and work environment. so i'm in a good spot.
*i got to buenos aires in 1.5 weeks (yay!) but i haven't had time to plan or get excited. anticipation is the best part!
*i dont know if i'll ever date someone again, i feel so antisocial these days
I think that does it for now. I could go on longer but somehow I'm not sure it would make me feel better.
rosie_the_riveter wrote: At 36 weeks pregnant, I look and feel like a fat, ugly cow.
Oh girl I totally understand. I get ladies coming me and telling me I look so cute. Dont get me wrong I like the complments but all they see is baby belly, they dont see the ugly varicose veins on the back of my legs that hurt like hell.Or the other body changes... Today I work with that so called Bitch coworker that likes to make rude comments. What I really would like to do is just slap her....okay vent over
leah_leanna wrote:-I think I'm allergic to my shampoo
I don't know why, but that made me LOL. What a perfect whine. Thanks!
D, I'm so sorry about your mom. It's such a swirl of emotions...all of them can be considered "normal"...yet it's hard not to judge yourself and each other for what everyone is feeling.
My whine:
After several weeks of losing the hot water during our showers, the plumbers finally identified and fixed the problem. I have NO idea what this work is going to cost - $600? $1600? But it's not like I can live with intermittent hot water so I couldn't say no.
Also, they had to cut a big square hole in the wall opposite the hot water heater to access it thanks to our previous contractor's lousy idea of where to install it. I now have to hire a painter to close it up and repaint the entire stairwell. The first estimate was $650, on top of whatever the plumbers will charge.
And DH and I finally bit the bullet and called our "outdoor carpenter" to start work on some front and back yard jobs we've been procrastinating about. So that is another few hundred bucks we're in for. I really cannot put a stop to that just now, since we've been living with a dirt pit in the front and a junk heap in the back and it's been driving me crazy.
All in all it's been a really expensive few weeks.