Do waiters/ waitresses prefer to be tipped in cash or have it added to my tab if I pay with a card? I sometimes wonder if my waiter/waitress really gets the tip if I add it to my total and pay with a debit card. Then again, I worry that the wrong person might pick up the cash tip if I leave it on the table.
not a waitress, but as a hairdresser i didn't care. i've only had a few issues with not getting the tip -- but that was when there was a shady girl working the desk.
I can only repeat what I've been told by waitress friends since I haven't worked in the restaurant field. I was told that credit/debit card tips are tracked for tax purposes but you can fudge the cash tips. Meaning...waitresses might be making shitty wages and still having to pay taxes on shitty wages so it's better to pay in cash when you can because they can fudge it so they don't have to pay as high taxes.
Whether or not that's true or moral or legal or whatever, I don't know...but I try to leave cash when I can. I do make sure that if it's a bar situation or busy place that I put the tip directly into the waitress's hands.
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling
At the restaurant I worked at, cash tips were solely mine, but credit tips added onto the bill were piled together and divided between the entire wait staff.
At the restaurant I worked at, cash tips were solely mine, but credit tips added onto the bill were piled together and divided between the entire wait staff.
seriously? that sounds completeley ridiculous!
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
At the restaurant I worked at, cash tips were solely mine, but credit tips added onto the bill were piled together and divided between the entire wait staff.
seriously? that sounds completeley ridiculous!
I thought all wait staff had to divvy up tips (not with each other, but with the bussers, kitchen staff, etc.). I know many waiters and it seems like they always get screwed at tax time. Most of the waiters I know work at expensive restaurants where the majority of the tips would be on cc, though.