okay, so finding a beautiful stylish bag for under $500 seems impossible! right now I can't afford to spend more than $200, let alone the $1800+ it costs for the kind of bag I REALLY want.
so are faux leather bags cheap & ugly looking? I can never tell... except when they're really stiff & shiny. I think these are cute but I don't know, I'm kind of a tard when it comes to seeing if a bag looks cheap or not.
Fake leather can be done nicely, but definitely not the F21 fake leather. It's gonna look like plastic. I'm sure you can find a nice fake leather bag, just not from there.
For instance, from UO: Both are PVC, and while I haven't seen the quality of them in real life, your chances of them looking nice are much higher than at F21.
BR also has some nice bags, real leather and under $200.
There's tons of places to buy a nice handbag for under $200 that's not F21. Sorry to be so harsh, it's just that if your criteria is for a cute, inexpensive faux leather bag than a store like F21 is probably not your best bet.
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling
i also vote for Banana Republic. i got a great looking cream colored leather purse from there last year and i love it! it's getting really soft and slouchy the more that i use it and i've gotten tons of compliments on it, too. it costed me about $180. i'm likin' their new spring line...
-- Edited by clothes_horse at 13:54, 2008-02-05
"apparently there are more important things in life than fashion... yeah, right."
If you're trying to save money, going for fake leather isn't the key. IMO, the only reason to buy fake leather is if you are against it for animals' sake.
Look for sales that bring better bags into your price range. I like looking through Endless.com. You can use little sliders on the lower left side to indicate your exact price range.
There is a STEVEN by Steve Madden one that looks very much like the F21 bag to which you linked.
I think Banana Republic is the way to go. They make awesome bags, the quality is great, and they always go on sale. In fact, I still can't believe the buy, But I just bought a beautiful chocolate brown leather BR purse 2 weeks ago at their outlet store for $8!!! I"m still in shock and haven't used it yet, because I think it would make a great gift for someone!!!! SO keep an eye out at BR online if you don't have an outlet, or if you want me to keep an eye out at outlet Im happy to do so!
The secret of fashion is to surprise and never to disappoint.
- Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Baron Lytton
Fake leather is not tacky just because it's fake. Real leather bags can be tacky too. It's the style that determines whether or not a bag is tacky.
Well said. I like Urban Outfitters for faux leather bags that are inexpensive and cute. I tend to tire of bags quickly, so spending tons of money on one just doesn't make sense for me most of the time.
JCPenney has some really cute leather bags. They carry Hype bags. Also, they have some pretty leather ones that are under $100. I have always loved this leather bag and it is down to $40: Here are some other cute ones from JCP. These are leather with PVC trim: Here are some of the Hype bags they carry:
-- Edited by bloomie at 11:42, 2008-02-06
Some people collect stamps and coins--I collect shoes.
relrel & clotheshorse - I've seen those BR bags and I really like 2 of them but I'm not IN LOVE with them. sigh... will I ever find a bag that I'm in love with within my price range?
cortney1982, I LOVE that 2-pocket bag but when I went to the website to check it out, I saw that it's HUGE! like an overnight bag! sigh again...
bloomie, ditto on 2 of those hype bags.
littlelatina - you are so sweet! I don't have any BR outlets that close to me, but that's okay, you don't have to do that. I rarely go out shopping anymore. I have a toddler who keeps my hands full, so it's online shopping for me.
subwolley, so do you think those 2 forever21 bags are tacky?
$199, Anthro$249 Hayden-Hartnett via Anthro $216 $230$185 These 3 come in alot of colors: $126$104 $106
I think you can do way better than faux-leather for under $200. If you find a mid-range bag you like (like $300-$500) then keep an eye on it and scour for coupon codes! I hope you find something ...
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}