Its been awhile and quite honestly I need a good laugh! Here are mine:
-I got my tonsils out a week ago today, I'm not supposed to eat solids for 2 weeks, but I saw a donut in the pantry, ate it, and half the new skin in the throat tore off. (sorry, its gross) NOT worth it. -I told my neurologist I think I need to stay on my seizure meds, when in actuality I think I would be okay getting off of them, but they make me lose a ton of weight, and I'm scared if I go off of them I'll gain all the weight back. -I drove to the store yesterday...while on vicodin -I secretly hate Minnesota dn everyone in it and cant wait to finish school and get the hell out of here!
Carrie Bradshaw: The fact is, sometimes it's really hard to walk in a single woman's shoes. That's why we need really special ones now and then to make the walk a little more fun.
New years eve I told my friends in the city I was going to a party in Jersey, I told my Jersey friends I was going to a party in NYC. Really...I stayed home made chocolate covered strawberries and drank a nice bottle of champagne by myself, in my jammies. Best new years ever!
oh man, I was just thinking about starting this thread the other day, but now I can't remember what it is that I wanted to confess! But here are some that have been bugging me lately:
-Lately, I've spent more time fooling around at work than actually working (as evidenced by the fact that I'm posting this right now!)
-I am sort of dating a guy who makes me put up with a lot more shit than I would let anyone else get away with. But I keep letting him get away with it because he is painfully hot.
-I have a box in my attic full of T-shirts from almost all of my ex-boyfriends. Sometimes when I'm really lonely and sad, I'll wear one to bed.
-I want to go to grad school but I'm afraid of realizing that I'm actually stupid and just been hiding it all these years. I'm also kind of lazy and I know that my job now is easier than school. And honestly, I have no real life/career goals right now. So I feel like I'm just biding my time no matter what I do.
-I wake up too late every morning, and don't have time to do my makeup. I do it every day at work.
-my favorite way to get ready to go out at night is to sit in the bathtub with a beer. I felt like that was really weird and kind of bad, until a friend pointed out that some women like a glass of wine while taking a bath. I just have less classy taste.
-- Edited by ttara123 at 16:50, 2008-01-02
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
I also took $20 out of my husband's poker fund to pay for my color correction.
Ha! I'd totally do that if a) I had a husband and b) he had a poker fund.
My confessions:
I'm going to use the excuse that I'm easing back into my gym routine tonight when I go to the gym (after a 2-week hiatus), so instead of running on the treadmill, I'm going to be on the elliptical, reading a book. In reality I'm just too lazy to run tonight and I know it.
One of my New Year's resolutions was to get to work on time and eat breakfast at home (so I can eat healthy stuff like oatmeal). I got up early this morning and then promptly went back to bed. After eating a waffle in the car on the way to work, I strolled in at 9:05. Granted it's only 5 minutes late but that's two resolutions blown in the space of 2 hours. I'm really bad with will power.
My two 6 year old nieces have been staying with my parents since Christmas Eve for winter break (so they don't have to go to daycare), and I can not wait until they leave. I love them, but they are driving me up a wall! They do not listen to me at all.
I told my friend I couldn't go to her birthday dinner because I was out shopping with my mom. I really was at home but didn't want to go because this guy that she hangs out with, who is 40! (we're 23) was going to be there. It weirds me out that she hangs out with someone who is old enough to be her father. I did go out to the bar for a drink though (I promise, I'm not a bad friend).
I took out a subscription to Us Weekly (my guilty pleasure). I feel a bit guilty about spending $52 on a one-year magazine subscription.
Know first, who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly. - Epictetus
ttara123 wrote: -I have a box in my attic full of T-shirts from almost all of my ex-boyfriends. Sometimes when I'm really lonely and sad, I'll wear one to bed.
-- Edited by ttara123 at 16:50, 2008-01-02
Thank god I'm not the only one!
Carrie Bradshaw: The fact is, sometimes it's really hard to walk in a single woman's shoes. That's why we need really special ones now and then to make the walk a little more fun.
Sometimes I hide a chocolate bar or candy in the house...because I don't want to have to share it with my son!
Despite my 'I'm making single motherhood rock' bravado...sometime I just want to curl up on the sofa next to a guy and feel not-so-alone.
The mainstays of my diet are caffeine and sugar...but my friends all think I'm super healthy.
Rather than incur a battle of the wills, I let my son drink from my soft drinks when no one is looking...but I 'talk the talk' of never letting him have anything unnatural!
I've been swearing like a sailor in front of my little girls. I try not to, but too many people piss me off! (I have a little road rage). So the other day my five year old says to me in the car, "calm down and take a deep breath"!
-I got my tonsils out a week ago today, I'm not supposed to eat solids for 2 weeks, but I saw a donut in the pantry, ate it, and half the new skin in the throat tore off. (sorry, its gross) NOT worth it.
-I secretly hate Minnesota dn everyone in it and cant wait to finish school and get the hell out of here!
I spent two of the most miserable years of my life there so I feel your pain. I actually would take Nyquil or Tylenol PM to help me sleep through the cold, dreary and lonely nights there. The worst part is somehow I miss it. It was so pretty and two of my best friends live there and I wish I lived close to them, so I'll entertain thoughts of moving back. Then I'll go visit and hate every minute of it. LOL!
-My hubby has gained probably 50 pounds during MY pregnancy, and I feel bad that I think he looks like a large dumpy frog -I tell my little kids that I called their friends and no one is home just so I don't have to worry about them while they're away from me (I'm a wacko) -We just bought a 2nd house, and I don't think I will be able to control my spending enough to not send us to the poor house (I promised hubby I'd stop buying stuff, but I just can't!) -I pretend not to hear the baby cry so I won't have to get up -I've had naughty dreams about old boyfriends, guys I never dated, and my FIL a LOT lately. FIL?????!!!!! -My parents are embarrassing to me, and it makes me feel terrible! My dad wears motorcycle tees, my mom wears denim leggings and ugly shirts, and they ride motorcycles with full-on leather gear; and I hate it! I arranged for them to go to a Patriots game in the luxury boxes and secretly prayed that they wouldn't embarrass me while they were there. -It annoys the crap out of me when people are so smiley, happy, chipper, and who act like everything is so super great. Blech. "oh my god, that is so awesome!"
- Last summer I got so annoyed that my husband holds onto clothes that he never wears and fills our closet with useless stuff (seriously, a lot of those shirts had shrunk and so he didn't wear them because they were too short) so I threw a bunch of his shirts into a bag and hid them in the guest room. I was going to let them sit there a few months and see if he ever noticed they were gone, then when he didn't, I would mention this and suggest that we get rid of those clothes. But I just discovered that apparently I must have grabbed that bag of his shirts along with the other bags of my clothes that I donated to the Salvation Army a few months ago because that bag is nowhere to be seen. Included in the bag were two shirts that were too short for my husband, but that I'm sure he wanted to keep because they were his souvenirs from the Hard Rock Cafe in Hollywood, FL. I haven't told him yet that I accidentally got rid of his clothes. I'm hoping he doesn't notice.
- I have a crush on the new guy at work. I'm not going to do anything I'll regret later, but I do have a pretty big crush that I know is completely physical. And so I keep having naughty dreams about him.
1. We went to a friend's for Christmas dinner, and she bought and wrapped a small gift for each of us, and I felt like crap because all I brought was a cheesecake, and it wasn't even a "real" cheesecake, it was just a honey maid crust filled with that philadelphia ready to eat filling. Even though she'd told me multiple times not to bring anything, I felt really bad about showing up with just a fake cheesecake, when she had put so much effort into the day. So I decided to get her a small gift to thank her for the lovely day and the invitation, and I was planning on taking it to her last night, as we were meeting for dinner. Anyway, I never got around to shopping for the gift, so I regifted a couple of things that I'd received from coworkers. She loved everything but I feel like such a tacky bitch!
2. Last summer, for about three weeks or maybe a month, max, I was a devout gym-goer. Since then, my attendance has really tapered off, and sometimes I don't go for a couple of weeks at a time. My coworkers still think I go every day, and of course I let them think that.
3. Someone I work with had comic sans set as the default font on her email. I couldn't stand it anymore, so when she got up to go to the copier and didn't lock her computer, I changed her font. She hasn't said anything so I don't think she's even noticed.
4. My best friend calls quite frequently (3 or 4 times a week) and at least half of the time I don't answer the phone. I love her, but I really, really hate being on the phone. When I do answer, I usually use my daughter as an excuse to get Plus she can be very negative and self involved and I just can't listen to her poor "woe is me" stories that often. Once every two weeks would be okay by me.
tri_sarah_tops wrote:3. Someone I work with had comic sans set as the default font on her email. I couldn't stand it anymore, so when she got up to go to the copier and didn't lock her computer, I changed her font. She hasn't said anything so I don't think she's even noticed.
I LOVE this. Comic sans is the bane of my existance.
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
tri_sarah_tops wrote:3. Someone I work with had comic sans set as the default font on her email. I couldn't stand it anymore, so when she got up to go to the copier and didn't lock her computer, I changed her font. She hasn't said anything so I don't think she's even noticed.
I LOVE this. Comic sans is the bane of my existance.
You are my hero for doing this - that's seriously awesome!
~ I have been eating WAY too much fast food lately. SO and I have been going through some financial hard times lately, and we figure it's cheap, but it's so unhealthy. It's cheap, but it's actually cheaper to just go to the store and buy some stuff to make some dinners, but I'm lazy and it's easy
~ I think I have OCD when it comes to my hair. I cannot seem to get the color right. My old hair stylist had it pretty down, but I stopped going to her and started going to my friend who just graduated beauty school. She started putting more low lights into it, and I thought I liked it for a while, but then I became obsessed w/it not being blonde enough, so I stopped going to her and used the distance as an excuse. Really I just didn't like it and didn't want to tell her that. Now I've got a new stylist, and I thought I loved what she did, but it's still not blonde enough for me. I have to wait though - it's only been 4 weeks and I cannot keep driving myself nuts - I have to wait another 4 weeks. I'll tell her I want it super blonde and then I'll probably decide it's too blonde and I need low lights. You see how the cycle goes on.....
~ We have an expresso machine at work, and I could totally make my own latte every day for free, but because I cannot figure out how to get the container out that holds the milk to fill it, I continue to buy Dunkin Donuts every day because I don't want to break the machine.
~ I actually went and bought some new underwear the other day because all of mine is dirty and in the laundry basket and I'm too lazy to do it.
~ I have a whole box of shoes and clothes to list on Ebay, but I'm too lazy. And I really need the extra money, but I can't motivate myself to sit down and list it all.
~ Everyone at my job asked me what I did for NYE and I lied and told them I went out to a party. I have no idea why I lied, but I'm new, and I didn't want them to think I was a loser for staying in.
~ Lately, even though I have no money to be shopping, I've gone and bought things like new jeans (which I really need) even though I know I'm going to have to take them back. I actually bought the same pair of Seven A-pockets twice and have returned them twice now
-i do NOT regret the "mistakes" i've made in my life, even though i tell people that i do. no one knows this but my very best friend. -like MissMee, i'll pretend i'm sleeping when i hear the kids, so my husband will take care of them for once instead of me. -i'm secretly completely and utterly bored with my life right now. i know, i should do something about it. -i envy my aunt who lives in new york city, has no kids, has a good job and is insanely artistic. -sometimes i think about divorcing my husband and finding someone new. but it would be such a horrible mess if i did, so i quit thinking about it. it's not like he's completely awful, i just wonder sometimes.
"apparently there are more important things in life than fashion... yeah, right."