for inexpensive stocking stuffers for my boys (9 and 15). So far I have a toothbrush, a movie, $25 cash, and their favorite candy. Can you think of anything else? Thanks.
Do they like to read? A gift certificate to their favourite bookstore- or just stop by the store and ask what kids that age are reading. There are so many wonderful books for boys out there.. :) I recommend anything by Diana Wynn Jones, for a start.
My mom always puts a little handheld type game (20 questions seems to be a popular one), tools (hammer, screwdriver, random stuff), christmas ornament, and a day calendar. For the younger one you could get the bounce balls or anything like. Walmart has these little shooter things that you stick foam rings in for 1.99 that are great stocking stuffers. We got those when I was younger and would play with them all Christmas and now my cousins kids are getting them.
"Despite all your best intentions, sometimes, fate wins anyway."
Deck of cards, school supplies, an ornament for the tree (could be a new tradition), aftershave or body spray for the older one, cool soap or manly shower gel for the younger one...any of these workin' for ya?