Ttara, that was a really amazing and brave thing you did. I think you're growing up to be a very fine young woman with a lot of integrity and I applaud you for it.
Thanks, everybody. When I'm having a rough time I keep coming back to this thread and reading it. Sometimes I wake up and think about calling him, etc., but after a couple seconds I wake up completely and remember everything and I walk around in a haze of disbelief for a while. I know it'll go away, but it hurts and sucks now! I've had to fight very powerful urges to call him up crying and get back together with him. I know that I'm doing the best thing for both of us, and I know that if we were together I couldn't be a very good girlfriend to him right now, but then I'll keep thinking "I'll never find anyone as good as him" and get all panicked and paranoid that I made the wrong decision. And then I read this thread agan to get a little more support
I just wish I could've met him 5 years from now, when I was ready. Because he really is perfect. *sigh*
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
After your posts several months ago, I was wondering if you were going to end up breaking up with your BF. This sounds so heartwrenching, but also like it was the right thing to do.
"Go either very cheap or very expensive. It's the middle ground that is fashion nowhere." ~ Karl Lagerfeld
Hey, I just saw this thread... have been away from ST for a few weeks. I just wanted to write you because I, too, just recently broke up with my boyfriend in a sort of similar situation. I just want to say it sounds like you made the right choice, and also that I know EXACTLY what you are going through right now, cause I'm going through it too. So for what it's worth, I'm supporting you and empathizing with you, and now you know you have somebody else going through the same crap at the same time! Hang in there, hon, it will get better.
SB- I'm sure you know what I mean when I say that I'm sorry you're going through this because I know how tough it is, but I'm glad that I'm not the only one! [hugs]
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
Hang in there! You're going through the worst of it now. Take really good care of yourself. Get enough sleep, eat well, do things that make you happy. It's times like this it's really nice to have a doggie, too! This was an enormously painful decision but you did the right thing for yourself and are being so strong.
Oh my gosh, I somehow missed this!! I'm so sorry!!
I have to say I am really impressed w/ your maturity and your courage to do the right thing, even though it definitely wasn't the easy thing. I was in your exact situation with my last boyfriend. I knew I wanted to get out because it was leading to marriage and I was NOT ready at the time, but I loved him and just couldn't bring myself to actually go through with the break-up. I think I even tried once and then he talked me into being with him...
Anyway, I ended up cheating on him as a way to get out...I really regret that now and wish I would have done what you did.
You never know, maybe 5 years from now you'll still be in touch and things will work themselves out. One thing I've come to realize is that life is long and takes many turns, and nothing is really "now or never"..imo.