I don't know if I necessarily need "advice" but I'd love to hear some thoughts. Also I find just writing things out is helpful as well.
My bf and I have been thinking a lot lately about living together. We are both really interested in living together but there are so many variables to figure out. Currently he lives in an apartment in the city centre (2 blocks from his work) and I live at my moms (15 min from my work and 25 min from bf).
The biggest variable for us at the moment is our pets. I have my dog Ness and he has an iguana and a ferret. There is pretty much no way that we could have all the pets living together. Ness is a terrier and would go crazy trying to "hunt" the ferret; the iguana hates other animals especially dogs and would attack her. My mom mentioned leaving Ness with her for a few months but I don't like that idea, she's my baby.
Also since we rent, its really hard to find a place that would accept pets, have a yard for Ness, be affordable and close to the bf's work. Bf doesn't drive or have a car.
Bf is thinking that he doesn't want to move anyway until he can afford to buy since moving is never fun. But we are definitely not in a position to buy anytime in the near future. Also I don't know if I'd want to buy right away, I'd rather live together for a bit before making such a big financial commitment.
I keep trying to tell myself that there is no rush, but we really do want to live together. Commuting back and forth between work, bf's and my mom's sucks. I go to walk the dog after work, then to the boy's and I don't get home until after midnight. I don't feel like I get to spend enough time with either my boy or my dog, and we always feel like we are so busy trying to catch up on housework, laundry etc so we can spend quality time together. I am getting burnt out trying to keep up.
If you guys did move in together into an apartment, it seems like the situation with all the animals might not work out. My BF old roommate had a ferret at their apartment. Ferrets can be very aggressive and I did not feel comfortable having our dog over there. I would be worried that if your little pup is constantly chasing your BF's ferret around, it will eventually get fed up and harm the dog.
Is it possible for you to stay the night at his place occassionally? Or vice versa?
I have no stellar words of wisdom for you, but I do empathize. SO and I are having similar issues. We want to move in together, but the crappy roommate he has won't move out and SO feels bad asking him to move. SO doesn't really want to move at all unless he buys a place because he hates moving. But, he's also being really unrealistic about his price range for a house and what he wants in a house, so I doubt he'll actually buy anytime soon, either. In the meantime, I shuffle back and forth between his place and mine and it's just really irritating. And financially, I'd be alot better off if we moved in together (that is not the reason for moving in together, though- just an added bonus).
And even if he wasn't being stubborn about getting a new apartment, we'd have a heck of time because of the dog- the big, black lab. Most places don't allow pets as big as her and the ones that do, he doesn't like because they're too 'cookiecutter.' OMG.
Wow, this is tough, but I don't see why you can't get everything you want...eventually. There's no harm in looking, anyway, and keeping an open mind. For example, Ferret can have a rockin' cage if you found someplace with enough space; Iguana only comes out when Ness is in the yard during the day, and so on.
I'm not sure waiting to move until he can buy a place is all that valid though, unless what he's saying is that the only option is you moving in with him.
He may also have to learn to drive one of these days if he foresees himself living in a house with a yard and a dog and so on versus an apartment in the city. If nothing else, because all this schlepping and taking care of everyone is wearing you out! Heck, it's wearing ME out just thinking about it.
I agree that there's no harm in looking and keeping an open mind. Perhaps you can find somewhere that is convenient enough to a park, or is animal-friendly, etc. Or you could set a savings goal so that in X number of months you can move somewhere a bit more expensive near the city center. I think if you both want to live together, you can find someplace that will be good for both of you, just as long as you try to be flexible and patient.
I agree that it never hurts to wait and see what comes along. Maybe you could get your mom to walk Ness a couple days a week (the ones where you stay with the boy) and then you can spend quality time with Ness on the other days and weekends.
It sucks but it never hurts to have a little patience, right? It's better to wait a bit and find the perfect place than to force something that will cause stress on the relationship.
Everyone has had good suggestions. If you think you may eventually live with him, can you consult a trainer to help you work with Ness so that she can get used to the iguana and ferret? I know a lot of dogs can peacefully coexist with other types of animals, and I bet a good trainer could help. They may not be BFF, but if you can get them to ignore each other, you'd probably feel a lot better.
"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde