Wow, thanks for thinking of my FP! Those shoes are too cute, I just wish they had a heel instead of a wedge and it was May instead of August. Thanks so much though!
Wow, thanks for thinking of my FP! Those shoes are too cute, I just wish they had a heel instead of a wedge and it was May instead of August. Thanks so much though!
You are welcome. I too thought it was kind of odd for these to be new for fall Maybe they'll go on major sale later in the season, you just may appreciate that wedge heel more when you are lugging baby and baby stuff around just may appreciate that wedge heel more when you are lugging baby and baby stuff around
Huh? I'm going to surf through pregnancy, fit into my skinny jeans immediately after birth, and then just sail through motherhood effortlessly in my four inch heels. Right???
Huh? I'm going to surf through pregnancy, fit into my skinny jeans immediately after birth, and then just sail through motherhood effortlessly in my four inch heels. Right???
Sure thing (Although I do still wear my 4" heels, just not every day ).
You just reminded me of what my Mother in law told me right after I gave birth (and STILL looked like I was 6 months pregnant)....she said ....
"I don't understand, when I gave birth I came home in my pre preggo jeans".
Somehow I find that hard to believe!!!
I just invested in my FIRST pair of flat boots....the heels are too much sometimes with baby (although mine is not a baby anymore) :( That is a huge admittance of defeat for me!!!!
I can see us all now. Daddys pack babies to our play date location so we can walk in stylish in our 4 inch heels. We sit, talk, laugh, play. Then call Daddy to come pick us back up and pack the baby to the car for us! Works for me!!
There's no way I came home in my pre-pregnancy jeans. I still looked 6 months pregnant. I retained SOOOO much water is wasn't even funny.
For what it's worth, it gets better. My son is 3 and my daughter is 18 months, I'm guessing once my daughter is about 2 she will be climbing in and out of her own car seat, etc and heals will once again be in regular rotation. If I just had my 3 year old I know they would be! Just as long as you can run after wild toddlers in your heals you'll be fine.
And uh, I gained 50 lbs with both pregnancies so NO WAY did I come home in pre preg jeans!!