My poor credit card is still smoking, lol (Yeah, I was bad and used it *Smacks self*):
AA Fine Jersey Tee: AA Sheer Jersey Chemises: AA Sheer Jersey tee: Aldo Outlet sandals: August issues of magazines: BR Outlet top: BR Outlet purse: CK Outlet cardi: CK Outlet dark purple top: Gap Outlet body spray: Gap Outlet chinos, in dark tan and dark gray: Gap Outlet dark gray shorts: Gap Outlet tee: H&M light blue woven dress: H&M gray sweatshirt-like dress: JCrew Outlet Matchstick jeans: JCrew Outlet shorts: Random bar/restaurant tee: UO dress: AE shirt: Wilson Leather Outlet cell phone case: ON Outlet black jeans: ON Outlet dark blue jeans: ON Outlet flip flops: Target tee: Target dress: Brookfield Zoo Mold-A-Ramas: Field Museum Mold-A-Ramas:
I also got a brown pashmina-like scarf at the BR Outlet, but I forgot to take a pic of that
Well, we stopped briefly at the Tanger Outlets here in Iowa on our way to Chicago, then went to the Premium Outlets in Chicago, and then again at the Tanger Outlets on our way back, lol. We couldn't even make it home without shopping some more!