I need help figuring out what I should do with my haircolor. I have naturally ashy dark-blond hair that I highlighted to a medium-light golden blond for a long time. About a year ago, I dyed it a dark chocolate brown, which I liked a lot, even though many people who know me say they liked it better blond. I am going in for a haircolor appt soon, and I don't know what to do.
I like the brown, and my hair is much healthier without the lightening, but it is a lot of upkeep, since my hair doesn't take color easily, and it fades to a mousy color that I can't stand pretty quickly, no matter what I do. The blond is more expensive, but I don't really get roots since my natural color is pretty light, so I can go 8 weeks or so between colorings.
Should I go back to blond (via highlights or all-over color)? Or keep the brown? A third option would be to dye it a dark golden blond (basically my natural color without the ash), but I am afraid that since my skin is sort of olive-toned, that it would look blah because there's no contrast. I don't plan to cut my hair, since I like the length.
Pics for reference:
Blond (1.5 years ago): Brown:
in-between color:
-- Edited by halleybird at 20:18, 2007-06-30
"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde
I think you look fantastic both ways, but I love the brunette. I am in the same dilemma. I am naturally a medium brown with natural subtle highlights. I have been having my hair highlighted for about 5 years now and currently I am back to a very light blonde (think Reese Witherspoon's hair at the oscars). Before that I had gone back brown, but the person who did it did a horrible job. It was basically flat with no dimension. I finally got it back very light blonde, and the past couple of days I have been thinking brown hair again. I am not going to do anything to it, but I just wish now I had never started coloring it. Everyone tells me they like me better blonde, but I like me better with my natural color. I understand your dilemma, but you will look great either way.
Some people collect stamps and coins--I collect shoes.
You look gorgeous either way, but I think the brunette makes your eyes really pop. I also really loved how dark your hair was in the navy dress pic in your TS.
i think you are very striking as a brunette. (not that you aren't equally pretty as a blonde) it just seems to make you pop. but maybe go a little bit lighter of a brown?
I agree with the other girls. You look gorgeous in either color, but there is something about that chocolate brown that looks amazing! If you were just wanting a change maybe do the dark brown, but add some highlights?
"Despite all your best intentions, sometimes, fate wins anyway."
wow, thanks everyone. It's funny, because everyone I know IRL keeps telling me to dye it back. My husband especially likes the blond. Maybe I will take HL's suggestion and try some highlights (maybe caramel?).
cinderella: I have several color enhancing/protecting products...Artec seems to work the best for me, but even then it doesn't keep the darkness of the shade, just the tone. My stylist says it's a combination of having fine hair (I guess fine hair doesn't "grab" the color as well), and having hard water. Bleh.
"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde
I really really like you as a brunette! But if your really undecided then maybe you could do an in between color? Or I also like HL's advice of adding some highlights. Maybe keep the brown and add some light highlights...
I can't make up my mind! I really like both--but what about trying a medium ash brown, with lowlights? One of my friends has that hair color and I think it is just gorgeous. I think you're right to be leery of a golden tone with your rosy skin.
I don't know; I think that you can't go wrong either way. I think that your pretty eyes stand out more as a brunette, and your bone structure looks lovely when you're a blonde. It's a tough decision.
As a woman, I think you look better dark. However, from a man's point of view blond makes you look sexier and younger (sorry brunettes). I do like the inbetween honey blonde color and perhaps that can solve your damaged-hair issues.
I have been there! though naturally, I am a brunette.
When you dye your hair darker than it's natural color, it is less forgiving to the face. Luckily, you have beautiful skin so you can pull it off!
But since you are having the issue of the pigment fading quickly, I voted for in-between color. Because you can add some highlights back in which will give it some more depth and when it gets too blond and the roots start looking too contrasted, you can ask the stylist to use more lowlights next time to darken it back up and keep that rich, shiny brunette look that you have in the picture..
"Go either very cheap or very expensive. It's the middle ground that is fashion nowhere." ~ Karl Lagerfeld