I got it! It came super fast!! They are not kidding when they say overnight shipping, it arrived this morning! I keep staring at it, so pretty and one of my favorite colors.
But in white stripe. In brown.
A new Aeropostale opened up and I got some crazy good deals, will post later!
I also got a black tee from Old Navy with a crochet neckline (super cute), a cosmetic bag for my desk at work, and new numbers for the front of my house.
Hooray! A new mouse! My old one quit working and it was such a pain to use my touch pad. Anyhow, I love the smaller design ones. Great for small hands.
Not in white though, in dark brown and black. I swear they're cuter than the crappy target pic. I was really suprised by how flattering they are, the come a little tiny bit below my knees though. And a couple of screen tees that I couldnt' find online.