The living room is black and white with orange accents, futon cover is bamboo print which may or may not be changed to all black evantually My question is this: I need curtains in the living room but am totally clueless about the color. The bf thinks black would work- and it would, but black for curtains?? The big pillows on the couch are orange and I would love to have some sort of orange for the curtains, but too much orange might throw off the whole look. Help! Is black that strange for curtains? Would it make the room too heavy?
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling
Your living room looks great! I'm not sure what color the bamboo print on the futon cover is IRL (looks green in the pics) but it looks great with the orange pillows. So maybe a shade of green or aqua could be cute for the curtains as well. Or maybe grey.
I agree with BF. Black would be great and would command attention to those awesome windows. Just don't do the futon in black if you go that way. You may want to do dummy panels plus bamboo shades if you don't want a LOT of black.
There isn't a lot of contrast with the light walls and light trim, but the architecture of the room is spectacular. LOVE the built-ins. Can you paint the walls?
I like the futon cover, its a different one than from when I was there right? I think black would be too heavy looking and matching one of the colors in the bamboo print would be good. Or just going with a neutral/white/offwhite so that they are not really noticable or obtrusive.