Is anyone dressing up for Easter...and if so...what are you planning on wearing?
I 'think' I'll be reworking my old standbye white dress (it's strappy and to the knee with a full skirt) by pairing it with either a belt or a sash. Of course, now I have to find some shoes....
OMG, I have had so many other things on my mind lately that I have not even thought about this yet! Easter is always so hard for me to dress for though because I want to wear cute springy clothes but it is usually too cold.
I'm wearing the same dress I just bought for my baby shower, it's brown strapless w/creme polka dots and has a pink ribbon under the chest, paired with a creme knit cropped cardi and pink peeptoes.
D wrote: I will be wearing my thematic easter sweater and a matching pink skirt and my easter themed crocks... and easter bunny troll earrings in pink:
I am so jealous. I will fight you for those earrings!!!
Some people collect stamps and coins--I collect shoes.
D wrote: I will be wearing my thematic easter sweater and a matching pink skirt and my easter themed crocks... and easter bunny troll earrings in pink:
I'll be wearing a white eyelet dress I got juuust after Easter last year and haven't had a good reason to wear yet. I bought a wide green satin belt to wear over it because it looks amazing if my waist is cinched, but it looks like a potato sack if it isn't. Probably white strappy sandals with a low wooden wedge heel... I know I'll feel kind of matchy, but none of my other shoes will really work with the belt. And I figure of all the days I can get by with matching, Easter is probably the one :)
ETA: I do hope I don't cross paths with D on Easter because goodness knows she'll just outshine everyone in the room.
-- Edited by ttara123 at 01:20, 2007-04-01
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
I'm not too sure. I can't decided between a black and white polka dot dress, w/ black belt, red shoes, and black headband or navy and white polka dot skirt, white shirt, and red shoes.