I've wanted the Anna Corinna Lady Duffle in pearly white forever. Anthro has had it on sale online for $249 (it's originally $540 at other stores, %548 at Anthro) for a while... a few minutes ago I came online to buy it, and it's gone. I'm SO disappointed. I've scoured the internet trying to find as good of a deal as Anthro to no avail. Active Endeavors has the bag in butterscotch, which I also love, but with the 20% off code it's still $432. I might consider it, but it kills me that I could have had it for so much less. Has anyone seen the bag, in any color, on sale anywhere? Or does anyone have any alternatives (for around $250)? I like that it can be worn as a messenger and a satchel... I like the size and the shape... I this bag, and I'm super bummed that I couldn't order it tonight. TIA!