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-- Edited by member on Monday 19th of September 2011 12:24:41 PM



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RE: Pity Party
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Aww, shopchicago33 (((((hugs))))))  I'm so right there with you.  It's a miracle our heat is working today.

My thing is that I moved to Manhattan and then found out that I have to have a special teaching certification to work with kids in the city as a speech pathologist.  In other states it's easy to get certified but here it takes at least 4 months of just waiting time and no one will hire me without it. 

I was offered a job at a nursing home yesterday but it's really far away and had crazy politics I didn't want to be involved with, so I just called and turned it down and I'm pretty sure the lady (who LOVED me yesterday) was really pissed.

I need to find a job, like two weeks ago, or I have to go back to SC because I'm running out of money.  Other people don't understand why I don't want a job that is not in speech pathology, but we have to do a clinical fellowship year that I just need to get over with.

I just want to work and there are plenty of kids that need me but the stupid laws that are just red tape are preventing it.

Know first, who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly. -Epictetus

Dooney & Bourke

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Sorry about your cold, poor and hungry sitch, ShopChicago!

Sure, I'll join!

* It was 1 degree when I was driving in this morning and the windchill is -24! My toes are frozen and my foot heater under my desk is not working very hard today.

* I have to give a presentation to the CEO of my company today. I want to just crawl under a rock (or quit) instead.

* My bf left for Las Vegas last night and I won't see him until Saturday.

* Bf is making me pick him up from the airport. At 5 a.m. On a Saturday! Grrr.

* I cannot seem to keep my house clean to save my life.

* My tenant keeps claiming her thermostat says 67 degrees, so she keeps cranking the heat and when I go into her apartment to check the thermostat, I start sweating.

* I haven't exercised since Sunday.

I could really go on ... but I won't. Just wanted to make ShopChicago feel better!



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*its cold right now in nyc, not AS cold, but still cold, espec. since our heat barely works
*i worked from 9am til 10pm yesterday, 9am til 2:30am monday, 12 hours each sat and sunday- and late every day last week including Sunday, all for a show thats over in 10 mins!
* still soo much to do
*my sisters 21st bday was monday and all i had time to do was call her- really want to see my family!
*sad that my bf is 1500 miles away and i have no idea if/when we'll be in the same place

glad though that i'm not sick right now- my roommate claims she has mono!  And despite being hard on my body and drinking too much coffee, i feel really good.


my fashion/style thoughts 


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Me too, me too!

*its damn cold here
*my bff was supposed to come visit for the weekend and now she's not so I'm pouting
*my favorite radio station isn't working today. I can't figure out why and for some reason this really really bugs me.
*I'm going to the movies tonight with girl friends and I stupidly mentioned it to this guy and now he is tagging along. I don't want him to come. I want to do girl stuff with my girls but I'm too nice to tell him to piss off.
*and the worst part...I think I'm falling for a good friend. Which is a bad bad bad thing. But he's so great and I can't stop thinking about him. But being together would just be too impossible. I don't think he feels the same about me and that sucks. I don't know what to do. None of the other guys I'm dating even compare to him.*sigh*



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-I'm tired of being broke.

-I just accepted a job, but the hours aren't that great, so unless they realize that they love me and give me better work hours, it may not work out in the long run.

-My house is a mess and I don't want to clean it.  Why?  Because I have two children who mess it up within one day of it being cleaned.  What's the point!

-My SIL just spent $1200 on my niece's 5th birthday party..while I'm broke.

-My dh has started his own business and has not broken even one month in the last year.  I'm trying to be supportive, but I'm tired of not having extra money or feeling guilty about every purchase.

That's it for now....



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I will join and (((((((((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))))))))))) to eveyone

* I just went and got the price for the storage shed , ramps, set up and delivery. I wish I did not have to drop 3,460.38 but it needs to be doneI want clothes, a new handbag, curtains etc...

* I want my tooth that Iam missing and now I will have to wait until next years refund I have to wear a removable retainer for my bottom teeth b/c the one they put on is not doing the trick. Now I have to wear two.

* H grandma is giving him Hell about our situation and for some reason she is thinking that since he is on the lease he needs to live here lets not go there. Oh and to make matters worse we are renting from her

* I need to start using my gym membership..its just wasting away but I cant get motivated




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Oh hell, I'll play.

* My job sucks. Not only am I not getting the assistant as promise, now I'm not even going to be getting help from the department/shared assistant that was supposed to be the substitute. Basically, she's going to be the Sales Assistant, not marcom/events. So, I'm screwed by that place. Again.

* I hate job hunting. It stresses me out and I've been lazy about it. I have my resume ready, but writing cover letters just aggravates me.

* It's cold as shit outside and I'm not motivated to do anything. Getting dressed in the morning sucks, so I've basically been throwing on jeans, a l/s t, the heaviest wool sweaters that I own and flat, suede boots every single day. I'm a fashion nightmare right now, but I'm too cold to care.

* I'm broke. Not getting the raise I expected, my student loan payments just went up and I think when my lease is up, I'm moving in with one of my friends to cut back on expenses.

That's all I've got. But I feel that even though there are some things I bitched about, I definitely have some positives going on in my life and I feel the need to discuss those as well. I think I'll start a new thread for that.



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considering the fact that everytime someone asked me how i was today, i replied "tired, cranky and overwhelmed" when i usually lie and say everything is GREAT!  i think i should play:

- i am currently doing the job of 4 people.  i asked for some help but not a lot b/c i want to "prove" i can do it so that i'll be first in line for a promotion the later part of this year.

- this wedding is making me crazy.  i'm okay on my own and feel as though i have things under control and then someone will call and start with the questions... and i hate them and it makes me feel like i've accomplished nothing so far and it will be a complete disaster when the day actually rolls around.

- b/c i am tired, cranky and overwhelmed, i have been eating like shit.  and looking at my pilates dvds but never putting them in the dvd player and DOING them.  and b/c of this, i've gained 4 pounds in the past week...

- which brings me to my engagement photos- that i don't want taken b/c i am roughly 10 pounds overweight and on a small frame 5'3 girl- every BIT of that 10 pounds shows.

wow- i feel a bit better... thanks for starting this shopchicago!  i hope everyone felt as good after writing out what was bothering them as i did!!



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oh boy, i needed this:

it's sooo cold right now!  i feel like i just go to work, come home, eat, and sleep.  i haven't been running because i planned on running outside instead of renewing my gym membership but it's too cold, so instead, all the progress i made, is gone.  plus, i'm so bored from not wanting to go out, that i eat out of boredom, and nothing healthy.

i got a promotion at my other job, but i'm mad that i didn't ask for more because i'm pretty sure they would've given me more. 

i just got my hair did and it's not what i wanted.  plus, it makes my pale skin look even paler. 
i want to redo our bathroom, but i can't paint because it's too cold to leave the door out to air out the fumes. 

i don't want to waste vacation time going to my cousin's weddings or doing family things, i want to use it for myself and to spend time with my boy. 

i'll stop now....but i just feel so blah right now due to the weather. 

"i tell you one lesson I learned If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots

Kate Spade

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Okay, I hate my job. I think most of my coworkers are creeps.

It is beyond cold here. Meanwhile, although I'm thankful I have hot water now and heat, my apt. is a sauna. I feel it would be wrong to complain when so many are without and would kill for my steambath. Maybe I'll sweat off a few pounds.

My last haircut was horrendous. I look like Joan Jett. And I have major roots, but I'm too broke to fix the situation. I've been rocking headbands since I had it cut. 

I have a cavity. I have to have it filled this week. On the plus side, this is my first cavity ever in my nearly 31 years of life, so I guess I've been lucky considering I have a major sweet tooth.


Marc Jacobs

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I am finally facing the fact that I am going to be broke, as in dirt broke, as in barely-making-enough-to-get-by broke, for at least the next five years. I don't regret doing this second bachelor's, but it never occurred to me how depressed it would make me to be graduating at 28 and looking at a starting salary that is roughly equivalent to what I made at my first paralegal job, seven years ago, when I was just out of school for the FIRST time. Only with a shitload more loan debt and a massive feeling of inferiority to all of my friends who are buying apartments, maxing out 401Ks and Roths, etc.

And it just seems to get more miserable to be broke in New York. At least, it gets more miserable to be my age and still be broke.

I guess I just have to hope that really liking my job-which I do--will make up for being penniless.



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II feel more burned out now than ever.  I just want a normal job where it is not a pressure cooker of weird office politics, super-competitive people, and constant stress.  I don't want to look at my blackberry all weekend!  I also don't want to constantly feel like I am "too nice" or not assertive enough for my job.  It was literally the worst week I have had in a while!  I think this was vague enough to leave up  - though I might take it down soon!

-- Edited by kittenheels at 01:41, 2007-02-13


Kenneth Cole

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Can I join?

It's so cold here, so all I've been doing is working and eating.  Not necessarily in that order.  All my clothes are too tight and I feel disgusting.  I know I should be more social, but sometimes I just want to hole up in my room and hibernate until spring.

 I feel all this pressure to buy a place, but when I looked at what I can actually afford, it was discouraging -- I'd have to buy an hour away from work as opposed to ten minutes away, where I live now.

And I feel like no matter what I do, I always compare it to others and feel like it's just not good enough.

Now I'm going to the anti pity party thread to bring myself back up again!


Kate Spade

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Ok. Yeah.  Let's see...My 3 year-old is finally deciding he will entertain the idea of potty training so yesterday I bought him a bunch of new underwear and once he saw them he wanted to put them right on (and then he turned right around and peed them!).  He now refuses to wear Pull ups at all even though he not quite ready to be an exclusive underwear-wearer and just continues and continues to have accidents.  I guess this is understandable but I put him in the shower this morning and when I went to check on him, he had pooped in the shower and smeared it all over the walls!  Then to top it off, he tells me he has dropped a medium sized bouncy ball down the drain!   Uggghhh!  And where is my husband during all of this?  At work.  As usual. 

I am pissed because I feel like my husband is NEVER alone with the kids, never cleans anything, and never has to deal with any of the episodes as illlustrated above.  Ever.


Kenneth Cole

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I now live 500 miles away from my boyfriend...We had the most amazing relationship going, but I already knew I was moving. We made plans to talk all the time and for him to stay a week out of every month with me (he works from home so not a big difference if he's here or there) He came and helped me move in and stayed for a week, but now that he's gone, I have felt him losing interest in the whole thing....Contact has slowed down, he's not saying the sweet things he used to, and he's really vague about when he is visiting again. I talked to him about it last night and he said he still feels the same way about me and will make more of an effort. I have a feeling this isn't going to last until the end of the week...

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