I am so glad that Heidi finally broke up with Spencer. He's such a dirtbag. I don't understand why she was with him in the first place. He's not even attractive, IMO. He's sort of skeezy looking. I hope she doesn't get back together with him! I also feel bad for Audrina - I hope Heidi quits bashing her.
Is it me, or is Brody a tool? He seems sort of fake - he compliments LC like every two seconds on the show! Plus, he's best friends with Spencer, so some of Spencer's dirtbag-ness must have rubbed off on him, right?
Know first, who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly. - Epictetus
Ugh, Spencer needs to go jump off a cliff! He is so revolting. I actually don't think Heidi "broke up" with him though, judging by next week's previews. I wish she would though... I'm tired of seeing that sleezeball!
And yeah, Brody does seem a little fake. But it seems to me that both he and Spencer are "involved" with Heidi and Lauren just to get some exposure on the show.
spencer is soooo awful - i thought he was hired by the producers bc he seems so fake and like he's there to cause drama (ie w/audrina...) but i just read some interview w/heidi and it said she's still with him and he's her "manager" now! ugh!
on a side note, heidi has totally grown on me - i used to hate her so much when the show first started but now i think she's cute.
I read that Spencer is her manager too... poor girl! She did a pretty racy shoot for Stuff magazine recently and apparently Spencer, her "manager" really liked it... of course he did!
i hate spencer! the scene with heidi telling him about her dinner plans with audrina and the comments that spencer was giving makes me wanna gag! hes such a shady scumbag! i hope she realizes what an a** he is cause shes a sweet girl.